NewsTwo new innovative H2020 projects for Aqualia
Both projects have in common the enhancement of the water cycle, covering issues ranging from digital to technological.
The objective of ULTIMATE ("indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society") is to find synergies between industry and water services, with the efficient management of resources and value products through the concept of circular economy.
The scenario of the REWAISE project ("REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy") is to create a new water ecosystem, within an intelligent framework where decentralized services are proposed, reducing the consumption of fresh water and energy, no carbon footprint and in line with the circular economy concept.
Both projects have in common that they have a specific work package dedicated to AnMBR ("anaerobic membrane bioreactor") technology, in which Aqualia has demonstrated its potential at LIFE Methamorphosis project. Additionally, Aqualia's ABAD Bioenergy® technology will also be addressed at ULTIMATE.