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The LIFE METHAMORPHOSIS project ready for the follow-up audit


The consortium members carry out the second internal audit to monitor the project


During October 2018, the consortium of the LIFE Methamorphosis project is subject to the second internal monitoring audit. This is a preliminary step to the external audit that will be carry out once the project has been completed and which is compulsory for all projects under the LIFE Programme with funding higher than € 300,000.

These monitoring audits allow discovering deficiencies or errors in the management, correct them and detect possible areas of improvement. Therefore, the objective is to verify that the data corresponding to the financing and costs of the project are correct and that it complies with the legislation at national and European level.

At the same time, the consortium is drafting the progress report of the project that will be send to NEEMO. NEEMO is a European entity that advises the project, at the end of October. This report will respond to the recommendations and queries made by EASME, an agency created by the European Commission to manage the EU programmes, in the Midterm report and in the recommendations made by NEEMO at the last progress meeting, which took place in Lleida on June 28, 2018.