LIFE platform meeting on urban climate action
EventsA platform meeting on Climate Action in Urban Areas will be held in Barcelona on the 21-22 June 2017. The two-day event will bring together LIFE project beneficiaries, competent authorities and other stakeholders from across Europe to discuss specific actions to advance climate change adaptation and mitigation in the European and international urban context. The LIFE programme has an important role to play in supporting initiatives in this area.

Continuous efforts to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Europe are now increasingly combined with manifold adaptation strategies that subsequently increase resilience in urban areas.
The LIFE platform meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the measures that have been carried out under LIFE, the problems that have been encountered and the solutions that have been found. It will moreover be an ideal chance for project teams to exchange experience and know-how with other key actors on diverse themes relevant to urban adaptation and mitigation to climate change and to develop contacts.
Working group sessions will focus on case studies and will allow for the presentation and exchange of good practices in specific sectors, while the plenary sessions will address overall policies, support and coordination mechanisms.
The meeting is hosted by the Provincial Council of Barcelona, the coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE Clinomics (LIFE15 CCA/ES/000102) project and is being organised in cooperation with the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) of the European Commission.
Participation in the meeting is free, but participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. For ongoing projects these costs will be considered eligible as travel costs.
Those registered will receive additional information and the detailed agenda in due course.
For any further questions, please contact Elena Gómez-Salazar